Monday, January 12, 2009

Keeping a Positive Attitude - Laura Griffith

In any book you pick up on publishing your writing; you'll get countless bits of advice on how to handle various situations. One of the situations that will inevitably befall any writer is rejection. It hits you hard, especially the first time. It's difficult enough to pour your heart and soul into any piece of writing - and the time you put in is precious - and draining. So much so that when it's done, you might even have tears in your eyes to have completed your "masterpiece". At that point, it's your baby. And after numerous revisions and drafts, you're ready to send it out for the world to see. You might even have dreams of how your writing is going to change the world and how you'll make it on the New York Times Best Seller list. All of those dreams and fantasies start to fade with the first rejection letter you get - and all the ones that follow. Or, worst yet is the frustration with the complete lack of response from an agent (or a number of agents) who you queried with your brilliant idea. And as month after month - or year after year - ticks by, you start to wonder if writing is worthwhile and if your dreams will ever come true.

Stop right there. One of the best things I ever read about writing is: if you write because you love it and you write because your passion for it keeps you writing - you are a writer. Do not let yourself believe for a second that because an agent or a publisher has not discovered you yet that you are not a writer. And when you are discovered, chances are that someone will tell you that that masterpiece you wrote is not perfect. They will want changes and revisions - some of which you may or may not agree with. Take everything in stride, and if there is something you feel strongly about - make the argument. But remember that a piece of writing is like a work of art or a piece of music. It takes tuning and practice.

So, while you're waiting for that agent to respond or that publisher to finish with their revisions, start your next masterpiece. After all, you are a writer, and writing regularly is what will keep your passion for it alive despite the rejections. And, just like any art, there will be rejections. The first song a songwriter writes and the first painting a painter paints - most likely will sit in a drawer unshared and unsold - until they are discovered. The same is true for writing. And the best way to keep a positive attitude about it is to remember why you wanted to write to begin with. Use your dreams and goals to motivate you, but don't let the fulfillment of those goals define you as a writer. You are a writer because you write.

Copyright 2009 Laura Griffith

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The Literary Lynnch Pen is a weekly newsletter published by Lynn Tincher. About Lynn: Lynn was born in the small town of La Grange, Kentucky and grew up in Goshen. Lynn studied Theater Arts in College in hopes of becoming a Drama/English teacher. She has written articles in local newspapers and travel brochures. Now, she is focused on writing novels, short stories and poems. The second edition of her book "Afterthoughts" will be released in April of 2009 with the sequel "Left in the Dark" to be released on October of 2009. She also manages Artist Corner, an artist social website dedicated to help all artists become successful. Her eZine and website provides helpful tips and information. Lynn also provides email list management services. She has partnered with Constant Contact to help provide authors, artists, and small businesses the services to manage their email lists and marketing strategies, eZines, electronic newsletters, coupons and bulletins. Please visit:
