Friday, January 2, 2009

Setting the Scene

Setting the Scene
by Lynn Tincher

In doing research regarding setting the scene in writing,
I found some inspiration to write. One mistake writers
make is leaving the scene too much to the reader's imagination.
The story can become more engaging to the reader if the
scene is set properly.

Being an avid reader, I depend on the scene's to take me
away to lands and situations unknown to me. I love being
able to step into someone else's life for a while. Setting the
scene is critical for me to be able to experience those things.

One way to set the scene is to include the weather. Even
when we are not thinking about it, the weather has an almost
constant effect on us and so it should our characters. If the
weather is cold and rainy, it would help the character feel sad.

Consider the location. If your characters are in the middle of the
desert, make sure they are unbearable hot. Likewise, if they are
in Alaska, bury them in the snow.

How do your characters move? If Pirate Pete has a peg leg,
have him limp across the floor with a loud clank with every other step.

Consider adding drawings or photography to your writing to help
visually set the scene. This is particularly helpful if you are writing

How do your characters feel in certain situations? Describe the
feeling as well as their appropriate reactions.

Do you remember your creative writing days when you were
given a location, some props, a character or a word then told
to GO? Try using that technique to help develop the scene.
You will be amazed at the results. This will sometimes help with
writers block as well.

I've found a few great website articles to share with you. Do your
research to find others. There's plenty of inspiration to be found.
Happy writing!

Copyright 2008 - Lynn Tincher

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The Literary Lynnch Pen is a weekly newsletter published by Lynn Tincher. About Lynn: Lynn was born in the small town of La Grange, Kentucky and grew up in Goshen. Lynn studied Theater Arts in College in hopes of becoming a Drama/English teacher. She has written articles in local newspapers and travel brochures. Now, she is focused on writing novels, short stories and poems. The second edition of her book "Afterthoughts" will be released in April of 2009 with the sequel "Left in the Dark" to be released on October of 2009. She also manages Artist Corner, an artist social website dedicated to help all artists become successful. Her eZine and website provides helpful tips and information. Lynn also provides email list management services. She has partnered with Constant Contact to help provide authors, artists, and small businesses the services to manage their email lists and marketing strategies, eZines, electronic newsletters, coupons and bulletins. Please visit:
